Monday, January 07, 2008

Lehi calls Jerusalem to repentance

I have always imagined Lehi's experience as a conversion story. Lehi
was a good man, a faithful Jew, a wealthy merchant, living in
Jerusalem about the time of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah's
teachings as well as those of other prophets pricked Lehi (1 Nephi
1:4) and so he prayed about them and the people of Jerusalem. At that
point, Lehi had a vision (or dream). The vision confirmed Jeremiah's
teachings (1 Nephi 5:14). In his vision he saw the Savior and the
Twelve Apostles and from a book the Savior gave him he learned about
Jerusalem's destruction. At that point he knew he must teach these
things as well. So he went also among the people in Jerusalem warning
them of their destruction and the need to repent(1 Nephi 1:18-20).
Because of his message, the citizens of Jerusalem mocked him and some
sought to kill him.

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