Monday, June 19, 2006

A gospel-sharing home

Elder M. Russell Ballard, an apostle, suggests that we need to create "a gospel-sharing home" (M. Russell Ballard, "Creating a Gospel-Sharing Home," Ensign, May 2006, 84). A gospel-sharing home is one where anyone who enters feels the spirit of the Lord and desires to know more about his gospel. It is a home where we naturally feel love for the Lord, have testimonies of his eternal reality, and show gratitude for all he has done. The Savior showed us the way when he invited his disciples to "Come and see ... where he dwelt, and [they] abode with him that day" (John 1:39). What better way to teach his followers than to show them how he lived his life.

In our homes we are most comfortable and people coming into our homes can themselves relax and enjoy our association. My parents always had an open door. For 4 1/2 years while we lived in France our home was constantly full of young servicemen who had no other home away from home. It became a place of safety where they were protected from the cares and sins of the world. This was typical of our home while I was young. Seldom was there a Sunday meal that we ate alone.

My wife and I have tried to follow this same example in our home. We have tried to make our home a welcoming place where anyone who enters feels our love for each other and our love for the Savior. Our home is not always perfect. It is not always clean. Sometimes there is contention. However, I'm confident as we open our home to others our lives will be enriched and bettered. If we live Christ's teachings, our guests will feel of the Spirit and their lives will be better as well.

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