The Miracles of Jesus

Because of Jesus's Resurrection We Can Have Eternal Life


The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ represent the pinnacle of human history and divine intervention. In his article, Jesus Christ Is Our Savior, President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, reflects on the miracles of Jesus and the profound implications of His Resurrection for humanity. Through personal experiences and scriptural insights, President Nelson emphasizes the hope, joy, and eternal perspective offered by the Savior's Atonement and Resurrection.

Summary of the Article

President Nelson explores the central role of Jesus Christ's Resurrection in God's plan of salvation. He recounts scriptural accounts of Christ's miracles, including raising the dead and His ultimate triumph over death through His Resurrection. These events illustrate Christ's divine authority and infinite love for humanity.

Drawing on personal experiences of loss, President Nelson testifies of the comfort found in the promise of resurrection and eternal family relationships. He explains how we can prepare to meet God by living faithful lives, honoring covenants, and following Christ's teachings. The article concludes with a call to embrace an eternal perspective, placing faith in the Savior as the foundation for enduring life's trials and anticipating the joy of eternal reunions.

10 Quotes from the Article

  1. “Through His Resurrection and the Restoration of His gospel, Jesus Christ opened to all the opportunity of passing through the veil into His Father’s presence.”

  2. “The Savior’s Resurrection was the ultimate triumph, the ultimate miracle.”

  3. “Because of the Resurrection, our tears of sorrow can turn into tears of joy as we anticipate the future from the perspective of an eternal family.”

  4. “For God’s children, resurrection means that aging, deterioration, and decay will be done away.”

  5. “Death is premature only if we are unprepared to meet God.”

  6. “The rending of the temple veil symbolized that the Great High Priest had passed through the veil of death.”

  7. “We prepare by keeping our focus on the Savior and His gospel.”

  8. “Some of us will live long lives; some of us will live short lives. Long or short, our days are numbered.”

  9. “May we prepare for that glorious day.”

  10. “I witness that we can ‘have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal.’”


The miracles of Jesus Christ, culminating in His Resurrection, affirm the eternal promise of life after death and the reuniting of families. President Nelson's testimony underscores the Savior's role as the Redeemer and invites us to prepare spiritually for eternal life. By honoring covenants, developing Christlike attributes, and embracing faith, we can look forward with hope and joy to the day when we stand in God's presence, reunited with our loved ones for eternity.


Nelson, R. M. (2023, April). Jesus Christ Is Our Savior. Liahona. Retrieved from


Resurrection, Atonement, Eternal life, Family reunions, Covenant keeping


#JesusChrist #Resurrection #Faith #EternalLife #Hope


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