What is your religious IQ?
A new study from the Pew Research Center shows that Mormons score among the highest of all religion groups in their knowledge of Christianity, the Bible and other religious information. The nationwide poll of 3,412 individuals was conducted in May and June of this year. While the study showed that "large numbers of Americans are uninformed about the tenets, practices, history and leading figures of major faith traditions — including their own," there were positive findings. In the study, Mormons scored higher than any other group in questions about the Bible and Christianity. Church members are often asked whether Latter-day Saints use the Bible. The Bible is one of the foundational volumes of scripture used in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is used in conjunction with other scriptures, including the Book of Mormon. Read more at http://tinyurl.com/26rbypp Take the Pew Research Center quiz at http://features.pewforum.org/quiz/us-religious-k...