Monday, August 30, 2010

Knowest thou the condescension of God. 1 Nephi 11:16

The negative meaning of condescension is patronizing attitude,
haughtiness. In the context of 1 Nephi 11:16 the meaning is
completely opposite.

In a vision, the prophet Nephi is asked, "Knowest thou the
condescension of God?" His response is very profound.

"I do not know the meaning of all things," Nephi says. But, I do know
that he loves his children (1 Nephi 11:17).

The positive meaning of condescension is found in the scriptures,
particularly 1 Nephi 11. How does the Savior shows his love for us?
(The dictionary uses the words showing affinity, affability for

1 Nephi 11 summarizes the mission of the Savior on the earth, up until
his death on the cross (1 Nephi 11: 33). That he would come to earth,
give us the gospel, his teachings, and provide us an example are all
ways he shows condescension or his love for us.

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